Kamloops Search and Rescue needs YOUR help in building a new home!
Kamloops Search and Rescue (KSAR) has been seeking a permanent home since its establishment, but previous efforts have often failed due to challenges in finding suitable land. Our current hall is shown below.
Current Hall

In 2023, a dedicated group of KSAR members presented their case to the Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) in hopes of securing land for a facility. As a result, TNRD staff were directed to collaborate with KSAR to identify land for a purpose-built hall in the Kamloops area and to develop a funding strategy. While a formal funding strategy was not created, land on Devick Road in Rayleigh was identified (below, imagery from Google Earth).

Additionally, Stantec produced a building design inspired by the new Vernon Search and Rescue hall (below), which opened in 2023. Since the identified land comes with a crown reverter for use as a fire hall, the plan is to share both the land and building with Kamloops Fire Rescue.
Proposed Hall, to be modeled after new Vernon Search & Rescue Hall

A year later, TNRD continues to work directly with the City of Kamloops and KSAR to develop a design and estimate the costs for a shared SAR/KFR hall in Rayleigh. Once the site preparation and construction costs are determined, KSAR will raise funds to contribute to the project.
We need to secure funds to help bring our plan to fruition.
Without community support, the project may not move forward and that would jeopardize the ability of KSAR to provide its search, rescue, and recovery services to Kamloops and the surrounding TNRD. A new purpose-built hall for KSAR would allow us to continue to provide search, rescue, and recovery services to our community, as we have for over 50 years.